
Large Asset Storage

Python / AWS Lambda / AWS S3

GitHub limits repository assets to 100mb, and this project used a CLI tool to manage tracking/uploading/downloading of large game assets.

GitHub Repository Manager

Python / AWS Lambda / AWS DynamoDB

This chat bot would allow for standardization of naming repositories. Also allowed for easy user control to manage permissions/creation/deletion of repositories.

EGM Player Engagement Profiles

C++ / C#

Named inventor on patent pending technology presented at G2E 2023. Used RabbitMQ to connect to backend profile database to engage new players.

Secure Voting System


Implemented a decentralized voting simulator utilizing Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs), TangleCV, and blockchain technology in Python.

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Secure Voting Project Image

CPU Scheduling Simulation


Developed a discrete event simulator using First Come First Serve (FCFS) scheduling to process data for 10,000 randomly generated processes in C++.

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CPU Scheduling Image

The Deep Below


Created a cross-platform mining game in C++ that employs Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts, enemy AI, saving and loading, and an upgrade ecosystem.

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Enemy Miner Deep Below Image Shop Deep Below Image

KNN Regression


Implemented a K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) machine learning algorithm using the Euclidean distance metric to train and predict wine dataset values.

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KNN Example Image

Same Card! Game


Built a multi-threaded card game in C++ that utilizes mutexes to enforce thread synchronization and ensure a fair turn order. Each thread acts as a player.

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Card Game Image

Gradient Boosting Regression


Utilizes machine learning libraries to train a regression model on a housing price dataset. The model performed better than 75% of all submissions to the Kaggle competition.

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Gradient Boosting Results Image